An Omega Conference Invitation

Ilia DelioDear Friends of the Omega Center,

We are in the mist of summer, but time is an arrow that points to the future. Hence, we are now preparing for our second annual Omega Center conference. This year we have a fantastic line-up of speakers, some of the best Teilhard scholars working today, and I want to invite you to be part of this amazing event. Ursula King will be our plenary speaker on Friday evening and Jack Haught, Kathy Duffy, myself and Cynthia Bourgeault will follow in turn, each offering a unique aspect on Teilhard’s vision of love at the heart of the cosmos.

Our planet is in peril because we are facing the forces of evolution but cannot quite embrace the necessarily energy needed for a radical shift in a new direction. Our speakers will deepen our understanding of how we can go forth in a volatile political, economic and social milieu, building on the insights of Teilhard for a new spirit of the earth.

I want to extend a personal invitation to each one of you to make this conference your priority. If you have concern for your children, grandchildren and the future of the earth, this is the conference for you!

At the heart of our discussions will be a renewed role for religion in the 21st century.   Teilhard’s paradigm builds on the relationship of faith and science and it is this relationship which demands our attention today. Institutional religions maintain a critical distance to science and technology, but for Teilhard such distance only widens the gap between humans and cosmos. Recognizing our deep interconnectivity, our relational wholeness, is essential to building a new earth.

If you are interested to register for our upcoming conference, please visit our website:

I hope to see you in December!

Sr. Ilia

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