Endowed with Wonder: Heschel on Science and Religion
Love as the Bridge Between Science and Religion
For the ancients, the study of nature was essential to knowing the real. We know not simply to navigate but to narrate our lives, to give reason for the hope…
Return to the Garden
In 2020 the United States went through perhaps one of the most divisive presidential campaigns we ever had. It was often described by people on the left as an effort…
Marshall McLuhan: A Prophet of Teilhard’s Vision
The Center for Christogenesis seeks to integrate religion, culture, modern science and evolution in a way that illuminates a divine power of love acting from within toward a future of…
Insurrection or Evolution: What is Happening in our Midst?
Last week chaos and anarchy erupted in Washington DC, as protestors scaled the walls and stormed the offices of the U.S. Capitol. Opposition to the recent election results, fueled by…
“Faith and Doubt: A Love Story” by Brian D. McLaren
I revered my maternal grandfather. He was one of the kindest, wisest people I’ve ever met. One spring day when I was about seven or eight, we were driving through…
How Shall We Enter Into 2021?
Dear Friends, We are on the eve of one of the most turbulent, suffering and deadliest years in history. Many people have lost loved ones to the pandemic, other diseases…
A Christmas Reflection
A Christmas Reflection Who are you O God? This dark, weary world is searching for you, waiting for your arrival. Will we recognize you when You come? You who…