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Evolution of God's heart 99863

Returning Religion to Evolution

During my recent webinar on "Returning Religion to the Prophetic," a participant raised a question about prophetic action: Should we not stand with the marginalized and oppressed, calling out injustices in the name of true justice? While this concern is undoubtedly important, I believe that focusing solely on social justice might cause us to overlook the broader implications of evolution and its dynamic impetus. One might ask, "What does evolution have to do with social justice?" The answer is, in a sense, everything. Social justice is fundamentally about fostering right relationships, and evolution can be understood as the progressive emergence of increasingly complex relationships. To develop truly just relationships, we must comprehend evolution beyond its mere biological mechanisms.  That is, we...

La Misa Sobre El Mundo (Mass On The World)

La Misa Sobre El Mundo – Mass On The World A Video adaptation of a Teilhard de Chardin text in Spanish with English subtitles Presented by Juan V. Fernández de…


About Rebecca Mays (New Christophany Groups Coordinator)

Dear Christophany groups,   Hi! My name is Rebecca Mays and I am joyfully taking on the job of Christophany group coordinator.  I have been getting to know some of…


Integrating the World Views of Science and Religion: Today’s Urgent Theological Challenge

Some of you may have seen Brian Cox’s magnificent recent series Universe, broadcast on BBC 4. The program on black holes was mind-bending, as Cox explained how all the workings…


Faith in Time of War

In 1953, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin wrote an essay entitled, “The Agony of Our Age: A World That Is Asphyxiating,” in which he pointed out that after eons of slow…


Lent: Poised for Action

Today we begin the season of Lent which has, traditionally, been a time of personal fasting, prayer and conversion.  While these three activities are good, they also reinforce the old…


Open and Relational Theism: A Challenge for Catholic Theology

Raimon Panikkar, one of the great but hidden lights of the twentieth century, wrote that cosmology and theology are intertwined: there is no cosmology without theology, and no theology without…


Our Eternal Roots

“Earth’s crammed with heaven, and every common bush aflame with God. But only he who sees takes off his shoes; The rest sit round it and pluck blackberries.”  ~ Elizabeth…


“Earth Body” by Sherry Robertson

Earth Body This Earth Body of mountains and valleys, Of caverns and streams of light filled blood, Stretches across the planet Weaving me deeply into the majesty of life. I…


Christophany Groups Update: Iowa

Quest: A New Christophany but Longtime Group Our group began nine years ago when a handful of friends joined for coffee and sharing their concerns about a church no longer…

Heart of Matter

Heart of Matter Fallback Image

Heart of Matter: “The Divine Entanglement”

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