Heart of Matter: The Human Person

Tuesday, April 4, 2023

“Teilhard saw evolution of the human person as part of the whole natural process of creativity and generativity.”

Ilia Delio, Making All Things New


“Teilhard veía la evolución de la persona como parte de la totalidad del proceso natural de creatividad y generatividad.”

Ilia Delio, Making All Things New

What is being asked?
What is being moved?

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  1. Anne McKeon on April 6, 2023 at 5:50 am

    I was about 26 when I realised we were still evolving. That was 40 yrs ago. I didn’t know anything about Teilhard back then but understood, just from the bit of life experience I had, and the interest I had in where we all came from, that creation couldn’t be static. In those 40 yrs our understanding seems to have fast forwarded at a tremendous speed. I am mostly in awe of our consciousness and thankful that as it expands it gives hope to our world, that needs healing now. We have played around, as children in a garden, for too long, and now realise we can’t walk on the flower beds and expect to still have a beautiful garden. Thankfully, we know our place now in the scheme of things and hopefully that will continue to ripple out.

  2. GeorgeMarsh on April 4, 2023 at 11:22 am

    I think the optimism of Teilhard and Ilia needs to be balanced with the realism that greed and short-sightedness drive too many people in power. Franciscan pragmatists must work with all humans to rescue and heal the precarious environment and too vulnerable human race. As Jesus said, be as humble as doves and cunning as serpents.

  3. Darryl Nelson on April 4, 2023 at 8:59 am

    I wonder what Teilhard would have made of the possibilities and problem associated with AI?


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