
Join in awakening the spirit of the world.

The Center for Christogenesis organizes conferences, offers live virtual webinars, and holds online workshops featuring Ilia Delio and others at the cutting edge of the intersection between science and religion. Join us and our partner organizations as we integrate science with converging religious thought and unpack new stories about humanity and the cosmic whole.

Our programming is open to all faith traditions. We welcome anyone seeking theological innovation or spiritual renewal.

The Cosmic Vision of Teilhard de Chardin with John Haught

Teilhard’s cosmic vision still offers a rich setting for our understanding not only of life, but also of mind, morality, and religion. This webinar brings out the theological distinctiveness of Teilhard’s vision of life by contrasting it with traditional pre-scientific theologies of life on the one hand and contemporary naturalist/materialist interpretations of life and its…


Reality Ever New

“Blessed be you, mighty matter, irresistible march of evolution, reality ever newborn; you who, by constantly shattering our mental categories, force us to go ever further and further in our pursuit of the truth.” Pierre Teilhard de Chardin We have a choice now to turn the fate of the earth into a hopeful future. Our…

A Zoom Music Concert with Carrie Newcomer

“We have all lived through a time of great unraveling. Yet, with great disruption comes a possibility for change. We can’t just be healed; we must be transformed.” Carrie Newcomer   The soulful wisdom of singer-songwriter Carrie Newcomer, dubbed a “prairie mystic” by the Boston Globe, offers a balm for this anxious and exhausted age…


Healing God, Healing Self, Healing Earth

We are a global people on a planet in crisis. Extreme weather, shortages of water and food, and a swiftly mutating pandemic reveal a climate emergency that is speeding up rather than slowing down. We find ourselves in a wounded world, desperate for healing. These deep wounds begin with ourselves. Healing the Earth requires that…


Fireside Zoom Chat with Ilia Delio: Word Made Matter

The new science gives us a window to see a new understanding of God in the material world. We will explore some of these new insights by talking about matter, mind and the fires of the heart. Christianity is distinguished by its faith claim, the divine Word became flesh, which undergirds the doctrine of the…


Good News from the Universe for Bad Times

Steve Martin will be presenting a series of three workshops in collaboration with the Guild for Spiritual Guidance entitled “Good News from the Universe for Bad Times: Crisis, Transformation, and Deep Trust from a Cosmic Perspective” See the link: Join us as we reflect on the universal nature of crisis, change, and transformation as well…


Journeys in Process: The Promise of Process Theologies with Don Viney

“There is something too narrow and something missing in the Gospel as presented to us today… Wider horizons, not a tighter rein—that, if I am not mistaken, is the only remedy that can effectively bring our generation back to the ways of truth.” Pierre Teilhard de Chardin Philosophically refined concepts of God from antiquity to…


Why Technology has Hijacked the Soul

“Blessed be you, mighty matter, irresistible march of evolution, reality ever newborn; you who, by constantly shattering our mental categories, force us to go ever further and further in our pursuit of the truth.” – Pierre Teilhard de Chardin We live in a volatile world where catastrophic events seem to happen spontaneously and ever more…


God After Einstein: A Book Talk with John Haught

What’s really going on in the universe? A Message from Dr. Haught: The point of theology, as I understand it, is to explore “the reasons for our hope” (1 Peter 3:15). After Einstein, theology cannot avoid asking whether the discovery that the cosmos is a long story with interesting outcomes may in some way give us new reasons…


Pantheism in an Age of Entanglement: Rethinking the Meaning of God”

Join us for a webinar with Ilia Delio “Pantheism in an Age of Entanglement:  Rethinking the Meaning of God” What does the word “God” mean?  Many of us grew up with an image of God as an elderly male figure watching over us from above.  This image, however, is neither faithful to Scripture nor to…


Will Christianity Survive?

The German philosopher Frederick Nietzsche once said, we must become gods ourselves if we are to live in this world without God. Is this blasphemy or the deeper truth of the Christian message--God becoming flesh?   Today, the highest levels of theological reflection fail to grasp the import of evolution for the unfolding of the God-world relationship. Early twentieth…


Scripture Meets Science

The greatest obstacle to religion today does not come so much from atheists but from the neo-foundationalists whose fundamental tenets of religion claim ontological certainty. These are the religious fundamentalists whose certainty of divine truths based on the inerrancy of scripture creates division. Their grip on God strips the world of the divine mystery. -Ilia…


The humanity of Jesus relates to every human person, without exception due to race, religion, language, or creed. The heart of every human person—rich, poor, black, white, Jew, or Hindu—is entangled with the spirit of God’s love. Every person has a God center, every person is part of the Christ mystery, and every person can manifest the Christ.

(from The Hours of the Universe by Ilia Delio)

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