Christophany Group Update: Australia and New Zealand
In our recent meetings we have been focusing on time at commencement of our meetings for some silent reflection in the style of Lectio Divina, choosing readings that relate to the reflection/discussion material for the evening for example an excerpt from Thomas Berry’s writings or a piece from the Gospel of Thomas, followed by a short silent meditation. We have also trialled other sorts of shared meditations such as those offered by the HeartMath Institute.
The time for shared silence though short, helps to draw us into a sense of communion and also serves to anchor us in the sacredness of our shared presence and purpose. Our recent discussions have reflected on the C4C post by Hilda Geraghty, “Integrating the world views of science and religion: Today’s urgent theological challenge”. This was a challenging and provocative article which led us into exchanges around consciousness and the intersection of science and consciousness and established religion. Prior to that we reflected on an article written by Ursula King, “Teilhard de Chardin’s Vision of Science, Religion and Planetary Humanity: A Challenge to the Contemporary World”. This material provided food for thought over 3 meetings and was particularly apt in the context of current world events and challenges, providing many relevant quotes from Teilhard’s writings for contemplation.
We also discussed recently a series of excerpts around the topic of ‘The Divine Feminine’ which included writings of Teilhard and the wisdom literature of the scriptures. Our meeting discussions tend to range far and wide according to how individuals are moved or prompted by their reading and reflection.
Our group has diverse interests reflecting the varied and rich life pathways of its members. We are open to and in fact motivated to reflect on the latest science emerging and to consider how that intersects with and informs both our ideas and practice of spirituality, and how it can shape our lived experiences in practice. We feel we have barely scratched the surface of the possibilities for growth and learning offered by the sorts of reflections we have. It is probably true to say that we regularly experience an ‘igniting of the human spirit” through and in our sharing and common purpose, for which we are all most grateful.

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I’m so thrilled that my article on the need to integrate science and religion gave you food for discussion! – and on the other side of the world from me! The wonders of the internet/noosphere! Hilda Geraghty