Epiphany: What Do We See?
The name Epiphany comes from the Greek, epiphaneia, and means “appearance” or “manifestation.” The birth of Jesus is a theophany; God has appeared in the flesh, in the person of…
New Year’s Blog: Love, Hope and Future Life
What a year this has been! A raging virus which continues to mutate, a volatile economy, the rise of the metaverse, the tornados of Kentucky, the wildfires of California, one…
Christmas: God Dawning in the Tenderness of the Flesh of the World.
CHRISTMAS 2021 Isaiah 52:7-10; Hebrews 1:1-6; John 1:1-18 Christmas ecstasy of senses. God, dawning in the flesh, shattering the illusion of sovereignty, weakening our pretension of separation, slipping through the…
Christophany Groups: Pennsylvania
Our local Philly area Christophany group has been meeting since the spring of 2020. Early in 2021, we decided to meet on a monthly basis (we had been meeting twice…
Community Sharing – The Omega Tree
“Do you see what I see? A star, a star, dancing in the night with a tail as big as a kite, with a tail as big as a kite.”…
A Short Christmas Reflection
Image credit: “Establishment of the Manger at Greccio”, Benozzo Gozzoli, 1452 + We moderns love Christmas with all the lights, gifts and good cheer of friends and family. It has…
Transhumanism: Transformation or Transfiguration? The Perspective of Ilia Delio
Transhumanism: Transformation or Transfiguration? The Perspective of Ilia Delio by Sister Carla Mae Streeter1 Articles on transhumanism abound in recent literature. Perspectives vary, from the naturalistic view that genetic manipulation…