Faith Under-Reconstruction
I imagine my faith surrounded with “Under Reconstruction” roadsigns. I am among multitudes of “Former Christians.” We move along a broad spectrum including “new atheists,” “nones” (no religious affiliation checking…
God 2.0 and Techno Sapien Life
The introduction of ChatGPT in November 2022 created quite a stir, as artificial intelligence can now mimic human intelligence. The ability of a machine to write an essay of complex…
God of the Im/Possible
With the resurrection of Jesus Christ, time is interrupted and we are startled by a deeper reality: God is doing new things. Underneath a world racked by war, racial hatred,…
The Wisdom of the Cross
The paschal mystery is the center of Christian theology. The re-enactment of the last supper and the betrayal of Jesus, followed by his sentence of crucifixion, speak to us of…
Seeing with Two Pairs of Eyes
“Our life is a faint tracing on the surface of mystery, like the idle, curved tunnels of leaf miners on the face of a leaf,” writes Annie Dillard.[1] This simple…
Why Tradition Matters
by Ilia Delio The death of Pope Benedict XVI was a significant turning point in the Catholic Church. The Vatican’s watchdog of the magisterium was a medieval scholar, a noteworthy…