

To Die on the Day of Resurrection

One year before Teilhard de Chardin died, his nephew heard Teilhard say that, “I should like to die on the day of Resurrection.” A year later, on April 10th, 1955…


Authentic religion “Within me and between me and thee”

Ours in the West is largely a secularized society. However, especially after 9/11, we have become much more aware of the influence of religion—mostly bad in many people’s eyes. This,…


Pierre Teilhard de Chardin and Thomas Berry: Interiority and Subjectivity

Thomas Berry regarded the influence from Teilhard as integral to his thought. They were both concerned with the value and beauty of the universe as well as a commitment to…


Petitionary Prayer in Light of God’s Uncontrolling Love

What is petitionary prayer? Petitionary prayer is a specific form of prayer aimed at making requests of God. They make requests of God for answers to life’s questions and concerns.…


Jazz, Evolution, and Co-creation with Trinity

We are exhorted to participate with God as co-creators. But how does this work? Let’s start here: Science tells us all matter is energy. Teilhard understood energy is infused with…

Omega Center

In Support of Teilhard’s Vision

The great medievalist scholar Etienne Gilson once wrote of Bonaventure: “You can either see the general economy of his doctrine in its totality, or see none of it, nor would…


Trashing Teilhard

Was the Jesuit scientist Pierre Teilhard de Chardin really a fascist, racist, genocidal opponent of human dignity? I had thought that, at least among educated Catholics, the question was almost…


God And The New Science

The striking discoveries of contemporary science are continually telling us new things about how material creation came to be and how it continues to evolve.  Although we do not have…


Evolution and Radical Love

Many people ask, why is it necessary to pay attention to science? What does religion have to do with science? Historically, the foundations of modern science are found in the…