Beyond The Surface Level

In this Omega Center interview Brie Stoner invites Edwin Olson to share the interests and influences that lead him to write his most recent book, entitled And God Created Wholeness: A Spirituality Catholicity. In their conversation they discuss various aspects of the three-strata Wholeness Model and how it can help us better understand and live full lives beyond the surface level (for more on the Wholeness Model also read the recent Omega Center blog FINDING WHOLENESS DEEP WITHIN).


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  1. Everett Charette on March 1, 2018 at 9:29 pm

    Listening to Dr. Olson’s comments resonated on a number of levels that I have experienced: reflecting/journaling on dreams from a spiritual perspective, active listening (so hard) to respond to the feelings behind peoples’ comments and questioning why I am so impatient/angry with myself at times. I don’t understand quantum physics, etc. but I was enlightened by Dr. Olson’s description of Quantum Biology. I am looking forward to his new book to explore the process of “diving more deeply into the depths” of my dreams, meditation times, promptings of the Spirit and how I nurture/hinder relationships.

  2. Laurence Prior on February 20, 2018 at 1:03 pm

    This really makes sense. I’ve always been fascinated by the connection between science and faith. I’ve studied Jung a little bit and his collective unconscious again makes so much sense. I need to go into the darkness to find Reality, and at the same time I become more connected with others. Thank You!

  3. carlos on February 20, 2018 at 11:52 am

    Thank you Ms. Stoner and Dr. Olson for the very thought provoking interview. I am also very interested in the intersection of science and religion/spirituality. To someone like me with only a limited science background I appreciate terms like coherence and entanglement as much for the mystery they suggest as anything else. ‘Diving into the deep quantum coherence to bring the fruits of divine universal entanglement to my surface existence’ (pardon my awful paraphrasing) is something I look forward to in my meditation practice. I never really liked the term ‘sit’ for the practice. “DIVING” sounds so much better!! Thanks again.


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