Ilia Delio


Econoeisis: A New Contemplative Paradigm

As we linger through the summer months with a blast of heat waves across the nation and a rise in COVID-related deaths, the question of sustainability looms large. Recently I…


New Wine Needs New Wineskins

The United States Catholic Conference of Bishops recently concluded their annual meeting by advancing a document on reception of the Eucharist for pro-choice Catholic politicians. The decision to produce such…


Hope for the Future

Dear Friends,   As I wind down another semester of teaching, I cannot help but reflect on the potential of Teilhard’s vision for healing our world today. I had the…


A Short Reflection on the Feast of the Ascension

When I was a child, I celebrated the feast of the Ascension by imagining Jesus like a space rocket launched into heaven. To this day there is an operative image…


Finding Our Way into A New World

As many of you know by now, my bike accident last summer yielded a very challenging concussion and the persistence of a head injury that just doesn’t want to settle…


Justice for George

Lord, We thank you for bringing justice to light, To know that every life is Your life, Your image. Help us to realize that You love each person with an…


Co-Reactors or Co-Creators?  Christic Life in an Unfinished Universe

  We are now in the third week of Easter and, while joy should fill the air, the persistent COVID pandemic, multiple random gun shootings, and the tragic injustice of…


Easter and the Power of Love

Christ is Risen! Death and darkness no longer have power over us—but we must make a choice—shall we remain dead and in darkness, or shall we choose life? In Christ,…


Pain and New Creation

Image: Marc Chagall, White Crucifixion,1938   We are entering into Holy Week, the final days of Jesus’ life, filled with darkness, pain, misunderstanding and rejection. We are familiar with the…