Ilia Delio


What is God?

In this fascinating new video from Three Bridges West, Ilia Delio is interviewed along with theologians such as Philip Clayton and scientists such as Dean Radin in discussing the ancient…


Relational Wholeness and the Becoming of God

Ilia Delio introduces “relational wholeness” and discusses the legacy of Teilhard de Chardin and the importance of religion and science for understanding God, Christ, and the future of our world.…


The Rainbow of Pride

This month we celebrate the gift of life in its many colors, which holds great significance for the LGTBQ community. For years, women and men who were not heterosexual had…


Changes in the Church: Momentary Crises or a New Epoch of Consciousness?

Q: Can you help readers/viewers come to an appreciation for just how the institutions, no matter which one, are holding us all back? It is a matter of story–more of…


For the Love of Matter: Mind, Matter and God

Q: In his book “Life 3.0″ Max Tegmark suggests that subjective consciousness is what computation of information feels like. He also holds the view that consciousness is an emergent property…


Love Out of Darkness

Question: How do we know if our thinking and doing is coming from the ground of love? I can feel this ground in silence but it is harder in the…


One Eye, One Self, One God

Q: Meister Eckhart and Thomas Merton have talked about how the “eye with which you see God is the eye with which he sees you.” In his book “The Experience…


The Resurrection and the beginning of a new earth

Faith in the Resurrection of Jesus Christ expresses the belief that “Love is strong as death” (Song 8:6). Resurrection is the greater strength of love in the face of death.…


Dead and Alive

He is not here! But we are… Tragedy and Beauty Sorrow and Mystery Innocent lives killed in the midst of God’s glory. What kind of God is this Who rises…