Ilia Delio


Religious life in a post-human age

I recently returned from a retreat at San Alfonso Retreat House in Long Branch, New Jersey, where 110 sisters gathered each day for liturgy, prayer and presentation. The sisters were…


Contemplation and Vision

Q: What is the relationship between contemplation and action, especially public acts of resistance? Ilia: This is an interesting question and one that I have reflected on over the years.…


Artificial Intelligence and Human Desire: Can a Robot Truly Love?

Ilia Delio, Joseph C. Connelly Endowed Chair in Theology at Villanova University, speaks on the topic of: “Artificial Intelligence and Human Desire: Can a Robot Truly Love?” This lecture was…


Race and Axial Consciousness

Q: How do you address racism in your work? Ilia: Our question this week asks about racism within the evolutionary paradigm. This is an extremely important question that, I must…


The Future of Tradition

Q: How do we hold the value of Religion’s past yet create communities of deeper Spirituality. Ilia: Our question for this week is a good one. Many people fear the…


The Omega Challenge: On Sex, Gender and Personhood

The Omega Challenge: In a recent post, Ilia answers questions about Sex, Gender and Personhood. On your own or as a group we invite you to reflect on the following…


On Sex, Gender and Personhood

Q: A student from St. Dominic’s Priory in Adelaide Australia wrote in last week with the following questions on LGBTQ personhood in light of Catholic teaching. Although I am by…


Reconceiving Religious Life in the 21st Century

Q: What is happening to the Religious Orders ? What part do you see them playing in the next “spiritual generation”? Ilia: Our questions this week focuses on a topic…


An Omega Conference Invitation

Dear Friends of the Omega Center, We are in the mist of summer, but time is an arrow that points to the future. Hence, we are now preparing for our…