Divine Love in an Imperfect World
Dear Friends, A little over a week ago the Center for Christogenesis completed its third annual conference. This year we had over three hundred and fifty participants from around the…

The Human Revolution and Christogenesis
Dear Friends, As we pause to give thanks for the gifts and blessings of our lives, let us recall the many times we have taken life for granted, remembering that…

An interview with Ilia on “Contemplative Spirituality”
Listen to Ilia’s interview with Mike Matteuzzi [Contemplative Spirituality – KS] on her book, Birth of a Dancing Star. Regarding this book, Barbara Brown Taylor says the following “Thank God…

Human Potential in an Age of Anxiety
Early Christian writers such as Irenaeus of Lyons (2nd c. AD and Gregory of Nyssa (4th c. AD) were cosmic, creative and bold in their thinking. The incarnation of God…

‘Fratelli Tutti’: Papal dreams or Vatican diversion?
On Oct. 3, the feast of the transitus of St. Francis of Assisi, Pope Francis signed his new encyclical, Fratelli Tutti, on social order and universal brotherhood. As in his…

Christogenesis By Any Other Name?
The new name for our Center has caused some concern among our followers; hence, I thought it best to try to explain why this name is fitting for a world…

Why the “Center for Christogenesis”?
The Omega Center has been in search of a new name for several months. Recently, we decided that the best fit is “Christogenesis.” This is a term that Teilhard de…