Heart of Matter: A Cosmic Mass
March 28, 2023
“This movement from matter to spirit marks “the fundamental property of the cosmic mass to concentrate upon itself…as a result of attraction of synthesis.” Thus, “there is only one real evolution, the evolution of convergence, because it alone is positive and creative.”
Ilia Delio, Making All Things New
“Este movimiento de la materia al espíritu marca “la propiedad fundamental de la masa cósmica para replegarse sobre sí misma…como resultado de una labor de síntesis.” De este modo, “solo hay una evolución real, la evolución de la convergencia, porque sólo ella es positiva y creativa.”
Ilia Delio, Making All Things New
What is being asked?
What is being moved?

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It’s unmatched, Daryl. Hardly insignificant, it’s momentous, because it only happens in humans, and then selectively, a new phylum according to Teilhard, and selective according to the gospel record.
This is definitely a second half of life insight. I am thinking that humanity’s physical evolution, however insignificant in cosmic terms, is possibly unmatched in terms it’s contribution to the ongoing evolution of the noosphere.
The are two movements in christogenic formation, both transformational; the first is from spirit to matter (evolution), the second from matter to spirit (involution); one results from a push of spirt-soul into the space-time field from a universal center, (a divergence), the other results from a redemptive pull toward that same center again (a convergence). Like the ebb and flow of the tides, or diastole and systole of the heart, one is a first half of life thrust, the other a second half of life trend. Everywhere in nature energy moves in cycles, circles, waves, and rhythms, rarely in straight lines. Simplicity and littleness guide the Franciscan way. Spending $10 billion on a Webb telescope, for all it reveals about our origins 100 million years ago, is less revealing of this choreographed archetypal mystery than a time-lapse view of a tiny garden spider weaving her web, orienting herself to and from its center point from beginning (Alpha) to end (Omega), circling around in centration to rest and repose.
now I’m confused. Isn’t the movement from Spirit to matter? Matter is manifesting the organizing principle of the universe.