Month: June 2016


Quote – Ilia – All systems

“What would the world look like if all systems—religious, political, economic, social—followed the lines of evolution?”


Quote – Ilia – In an evolutionary universe…

“In an evolutionary universe that is incomplete and open to the future, the principle of life is not support from above but from the future.”


Quote – Union is always toward…

“Union is always toward more being so that evolution is directed toward the future fullness of life.”


Quote – Nature is like a choreographed ballet…

“Nature is like a choreographed ballet or a symphony, whereby an organism is dynamically engaged in its own self-organization, pursuing its own ends amid an ever-shifting context of relationships.”


Quote – What we do matters…

“What we do matters to the “matter” of the universe, because by our choices we influence the life of the universe.”


Quote – Creation is not about…

“Creation is not about a static world but a relationship between the dynamic being of God and a world in process of coming to be.”


Quote – The Emergence of human life….

“…the emergence of human life is contingent on more than evolution of the physical world alone; there is an inner pressure for spiritual transcendence.”


Quote – Ilia- The same currents…

“The same currents that run through our human blood also run through the swirling galaxies…one and the same evolutionary movement moves through all—a single self-transcending current of all-pervading energy that…


Quote – Ilia – The foundation of things…

“The foundation of things is not so much a ground of being sustaining its existence from beneath as it is a power of attraction toward what lies ahead.”