“The Primacy of Love” by Ilia Delio
You can now order Ilia’s new book:
The Primacy of Love
Part of the My Theology series
Given the primacy of love, if we have only one choice to make today, let us choose to love, let us seek love in all aspects of our lives
“What do we live for? This is the question many of us ask at the end of a very long day, especially in the conflicted moments of life,” writes Ilia Delio. “My answer is simple: we live to love. If we doubt love, we doubt our own existence.”
In this compelling book Delio explores the metaphysics of love at the center of her theological thinking. From the cosmological to the theological dimensions of existence, she shows love to be the irresistible force of attraction that leads straight into the heart of God.
In the My Theology series, the world’s leading Christian thinkers explain some of the principal tenets of their theological beliefs in concise, pocket-sized books. There are sixteen titles total. Read more here.
You can order Ilia’s book here
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