The Heart of Matter: The Mysteries of Christian Faith
Tuesday, August 23rd
“Although science has undergone three major paradigm shifts since the Middle Ages, the church still relies on medieval theology to explain the mysteries of Christian faith.”
Ilia Delio, Hours of the Universe
“Desde la Edad Media la ciencia ha sufrido tres grandes cambios de paradigma, sin embargo, la Iglesia sigue basándose en la teología medieval para explicar los misterios de la fe cristiana.”
Ilia Delio, Hours of the Universe
What is being moved? What is being asked?
For more related topics check out our podcast, “Hunger for Wholeness” on Spotify. Episode 4 was just released with Ilia Delio, Gabbi Sloan and Catherine Keller.
This podcast was made possible by a Grant from the Fetzer Institute for which we are very grateful.

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Apophatic Spirituality means we release all demands and needs for certainty and so creativity and the analytical imagination will then thrive. The prompts to not fear insights from Matthew Fox and David Tracy, the encouragement to travel inside and out by Patricia Grey and Sister Ebo (please engage on your next trip with historians Dr. Shannen Dee Williams @BlkNunHistorian and Dr. Beth Allison Barr ) and the need to gather with others who have been drawn forth already like the community of Dr. Lizzie Berne Degear, echoes this invigorated “intimate connectivity type” of vagus nerve level of dialogue. Ripples of relief radiate from my core. I am being asked to respect my involvement in my own apophatic Spiritual practice.
Thank you.
#apophaticspirituality #intimateconnectivity #naturebasedsolutions
Yes. Scholastic, Platonic, Eurocentric. We pray that the Center will help make our theology truly catholic, in dialogue with science and relevant.
Evolution is alive in science because it entices revolutionary thinking. The churches magisterium has prevented any creative thought about faith by threats of excommunication. It is interesting that the faith has only slowly moved to accept that the earth is not the center of the universe while science has moved to explain the creation and expansion of the universe itself. Of greater hazard is the demise of this planet by ever greater population that requires even greater resources. Our religion has failed to protect one of the most special planets in the universe.
Pope Francis: “Nostalgia is the ‘siren song of religious life'”.
I am now reading my way through the HOURS. I am deeply grateful for this illuminating experience.
A small matter in a request: can you provide the source/name of th picture today…boat with bird? Thank you kindly.
The new universe story that Teilhard and Thomas Berry mandated us to tell has yet to be told. That’s primarily owing to the “loss of integrity” (fragmentation of disciplines) characteristic of our splintered age. Giant evolutionary advances have been made in other fields but not in theology, which remains bogged down in the Middle Ages, unable to reveal to other fields how they are linked to itself, each other, and God in an integrated whole. We gaze at stars with advanced optical resolution but must rely on the unsatisfying metaphors of medieval mystics to describe the glories of the created order. Today’s spiritual hunger cannot be satisfied by yesterday’s stale bread. Instead, it must be freshly baked. Theology should be telling a struggling world how the images we see, both near and far, fit into the greater story (synthesis) it cannot see, does not know, and therefore cannot tell. Maintaining relevance in explaining how all these advances fit together in a coordinated whole for the greater well-being of the planet once fell to religion, which, failing to evolve like other disciplines, has long-since forfeited its mandate to be on the vanguard in this way. Don’t look for clean water in a stagnant pool, much less one rife with historical contaminants.