The Heart of Matter: Believe in a New Power
August 1, 2022//
Tuesday, August 2nd
“Only if we believe in a new power in our midst can we let go of the old reins of control and allow the Spirit to draw us toward a new future.”
Ilia Delio, Hours of the Universe
“Solo si creemos que un nuevo poder vive entre nosotros, podremos soltar las viejas riendas del control y dejar que el Espíritu nos conduzca hacia un nuevo futuro.”
Ilia Delio, Hours of the Universe
What is being moved? What is being asked?
Read more in Ilia’s award-winning book, Hours of the Universe.

Posted in Heart of Matter
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Believe in the new power that is in our midst. Believe in the new power in our midst. Let go of the old reins of control. Allow the Spirit, allow the Spirit to draw us to a new future.
Only if we believe in a NEW power in our midst can we let go of the old reins of control and allow the Spirit to draw us toward a New future.”
YES… we need to TRUST the power of the unknown in every Present Moment and not rely on belief systems that simply reinforce rigid structures that will help us feel “worthy”.
That new power IS in our “midst”. It is the Loving energy of the Divine Unified Field that flows all around us and in us. Not until I truly surrender, open my heart and mind and tune into new ways of flowing in/through this Divine unified field (which is void of matter) can I truly RECEIVE this loving energy.
When we begin to create daily processes that allow us to COME … (show up everydayready to receive”), OVERCOME (our addictive fear based, survival tendencies) and BECOME (a Sacred H’Artist) will I truly connect with a NEW Future. When, through my meditation and breathe work, I am truly able to be STILL and open my heart and brain, coherent Divine Energy flows into every cell of my being.
Our thoughts are so powerful!!! Thoughts are the electric charge in us and feelings the magnetic charge. Every thought that we broadcast into this Unified Field is our experiment with destiny.
I did not know until this morning that Robert Bly passed away in 2021. Here is his powerful reflection “THINGS TO THINK”
Think in ways you’ve never thought before.
If the phone rings, think of it as carrying a message
Larger than anything you’ve ever heard,
Vaster than a hundred lines of Yeats.
Think that someone may bring a bear to your door,
Maybe wounded and deranged; or think that a moose
Has risen out of the lake, and he’s carrying on his antlers
A child of your own whom you’ve never seen.
When someone knocks on the door, think that he’s about
To give you something large: tell you you’re forgiven,
Or that it’s not necessary to work all the time, or that it’s
Been decided that if you lie down no one will die.
But how do we learn to believe? As a child I used to wake up in the morning with excitement and wide eyed wonderment. But then adulthood took over with it’s goals, challenges, responsibilities, and the loss/death of loved ones. The wonder was diminished and lost. I was also lost when I retired since a busy work schedule fell into a day of not having an agenda. Wonderment is beginning to emerge from the darkness. In reading The Universe Story by Swinne and Berry, reading The Hours of the Universe by Ilia Delia, thoughts on the creation of life have given me hope to begin believing. In the book Wisdom of the Wilderness by Gerald May, the author shares his interaction with nature. He was dying of leukemia or lymphoma when he wrote the book. At the end it was recorded that his last words were to his daughter when he said, “Trust in God, trust in Love.” I think this is what is meant “to believe”.