Rebirthing Religion
In his most recent book, What to believe? Twelve Brief Lessons in Radical Theology, Villanova philosopher, John Caputo, lays out one of the most accessible (and witty) descriptions of radical…

Heart of Matter: The Mind of Christ
Tuesday, February 14, 2023 “A higher consciousnessĀ of love, putting on the mind of Christ, is not a trapeze act for saints; it is how we deal with human misunderstandings, conflicts,…

Who is in the Manger?
Christmas is a beautiful time of the year when we are reminded that the heavens could not contain God, but a simple manger could contain the mystery of divine love. …

Thick Skins and Brilliant Light
Darkness can be a terrifying and disorienting thing, where objects seem to blend into a field of nothingness, leaving one feeling powerless. Physical darkness is one thing, but psychological darkness…

Transformation or Self-Inflation? The Challenge of Spirituality Today
Spirituality has exploded in the twenty-first century and spiritual paths are everywhere. Contemplative practices, spirituality groups, Eastern and Western paths of mysticism, all abound across the infinite terrain of cyberspace. …