Why We Need To Talk About Christianity As Planetary Faith
Several weeks ago I met my first real Teilhard opponent. She was a religion scholar from Indiana University and was quite adamant that Teilhard was a naïve optimist with a…

Easter Message: Faith-Shaking Resurrection
The celebration of Easter marks the most incredible event in this history of the cosmos summed up in a brief acclamation: “Christ has died, Christ is risen, Christ will come…

A Hunger For Wholeness
The following is an excerpt from the concluding chapter of Ilia Delio’s forthcoming book A Hunger for Wholeness: Soul, Space, and Transcendence, available April 2, 2018. We have the capacity to…

Beyond Patriarchy And Gender: Towards Personhood
I was raised in a matriarchal household by a Sicilian mother who was a staunch feminist long before the term was in vogue. I was taught from an early age…

Towards Omega: Jet Skiing Or Scuba Diving?
One of the most significant social media platforms in our age is Facebook. One can easily spend a few hours, surfing through the various posts, YouTube videos, and various interest…

Mindfulness And Deep Relationality
In this blog Ilia Delio shares some thoughts on this critical point in history and evolution, and the major paradigm shift we are now in the midst of. She refers…

God Loves To Do New Things
In this blog Ilia Delio shares some of her current reading, and offers her reflections on the ever-changing nature of God. Ilia suggests that “…if we can get religion out of…