Ilia Delio

Plastic bottles and waste washed up on a beach. Micro plastic sea pollution. Generative AI

Heart of Matter: Human Activity Matters

Computer technology extends the outreach of human activity, but it depends on a broader use of human activity and how humans will control psychic, spiritual energy needs, and powers. Ilia…

Leipzig Innenstadt Sommer Paulinum

Soul Brothers? St. Paul and Pierre Teilhard de Chardin: Apostle to the ‘Gentiles’ of Modernity

THE TENSIONS OF CHRISTIAN HUMANISM It is the problem of Christian humanism, of how to balance the interests of God and those of human beings.  When correctly interpreted, Teilhard would…

Omega Center

In Support of Teilhard’s Vision

The great medievalist scholar Etienne Gilson once wrote of Bonaventure: “You can either see the general economy of his doctrine in its totality, or see none of it, nor would…


Evolution and Radical Love

Many people ask, why is it necessary to pay attention to science? What does religion have to do with science? Historically, the foundations of modern science are found in the…

stormy sky

Schism or Evolution?

Something momentous is happening in our midst. The concerted efforts to oust Pope Francis are deeply tied to the perverted crisis of abuse embedded in ecclesiastical power structures.  While some…

church ruins

Death In The Church: Is New Life Ahead?

The recent disclosure of sexual abuse in the Catholic Church and the extent of depravity reported in the news is symptomatic of a Church in crisis.  It is no longer…

chapel in the distance

Omega Conference: Towards a planetary faith

I just returned from a wonderful five-day retreat at San Alfonso Retreat House in Long Branch New Jersey. It is always a special time of the year because it is…


Towards a renewal of the whole

We are living on a fragile planet right now. The forces of resistance are felt all around us as we seek to hold on to our personal wealth, privileged security,…

creation and time

Teilhard de chardin: a big thinker for a big universe

The great medievalist scholar Etienne Gilson once wrote of Bonaventure: “You can either see the general economy of his doctrine in its totality, or see none of it, nor would…