

Towards the Metahuman in 2024

We are on the cusp of a New Year and the crystal ball in New York City, marking the new year, will soon be released in Times Square. While we…

Plastic bottles and waste washed up on a beach. Micro plastic sea pollution. Generative AI

Heart of Matter: Human Activity Matters

Computer technology extends the outreach of human activity, but it depends on a broader use of human activity and how humans will control psychic, spiritual energy needs, and powers. Ilia…

Shared Humanity: An abstract graphic showcasing interconnected circles representing diverse individuals, highlighting the shared responsibility towards creating a better world | generative ai

Heart of Matter: The Noosphere

  “The noosphere is a level of shared consciousness that transcends boundaries of religion, culture, or ethnicity.” Based on works by Pierre Teilhard de Chardin & Ilia Delio, Making All…

the conductor holding baton standing on top of a mountain against night sky with Northern Lights,illustration painting

Rebirthing Religion

In his most recent book, What to believe? Twelve Brief Lessons in Radical Theology, Villanova philosopher, John Caputo, lays out one of the most accessible (and witty) descriptions of radical…

Watercolor Diversity,  All Faces Matter.  Embracing Diversity and Inclusion through a Vibrant Watercolor Painting of Humanity.  Generative Ai

God 2.0 and Techno Sapien Life

The introduction of ChatGPT in November 2022 created quite a stir, as artificial intelligence can now mimic human intelligence. The ability of a machine to write an essay of complex…


Hunger for Wholeness Podcast Launches!

Story matters. Our lives are shaped around immersive, powerful stories that thrive at the heart of our religious traditions, scientific inquiries, and cultural landscapes. All stories – big and small…