
a pilgrimage of 2c781beb-8f18-4f93-8009-f91f87e64d64

Leaning Into the Future

A Reflection by Board of Director, Sister Libby Osgood, CND As I sit before a picture-window overlooking a New York City street, I see a man knelt on the sidewalk…


The Future is Now

“At the heart of every being lies creation’s dream of a principle that will one day give organic form to its fragmented treasures. God is unity.” (Teilhard de Chardin) The…

a large flock of starlings in the sunset sky

Dancing Into the Future

I had the pleasure of meeting up with my grown son on New Year’s Day, and we talked about our approaches to the New Year. My son shared that he…

Inner World series. Background composition of  digital colors on the subject of Universe, Nature, creativity and imagination

A Deep Dive into Cosmotheandrism

In a previous post, I explored the idea of a cosmotheandric language of belonging and resolved that “without the wild energy of Ruach our religious endeavors are cut off from…

Photo Credit: Lukasz Kochanek

A Cosmotheandric Language of Belonging

It is no secret that I love England and greatly look forward to my next visit, whenever that may be.  I am often charmed by the names of English towns…