Relaunch of Hunger for Wholeness
A profound truth streams its way through the sacred texts and traditions of all religions: there is a transcendent power of love operating within us that, if understood and accessed properly, can help us foster the collective wisdom, compassion, and resilience necessary to save ourselves and our planet.
Following the insights of Jesuit scientist Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, we believe that what matters most is not the homogenization of religious belief, but the transformation of each religious heritage to bring out its central wisdom and distinctive contributions, its vision of truth and ultimate unity, a vision of wholeness that can be embraced and shared by people from different faiths.
Like Teilhard, we believe that our world is very much in urgent need of integrating common spiritual values with the descriptions of contemporary science to provide us with a coherent view of reality and give meaning and direction to the dynamic developments of contemporary life. It is this type of religious transformation that has the potential to usher in a new stage of evolutionary consciousness and can therefore create the kind of society we want to inhabit, one in which we can actually live values of justice, love, and peace without inhibition or apology.
We are excited to announce that our Hunger for Wholeness podcast, whose chief purpose is to cultivate a greater sense of our inner power and awaken us to a more holistic consciousness, is set to relaunch in the fall. We have several engaging interviews lined up with renowned guests from the fields of complexity science and cybernetics, philosophy, cultural anthropology, scripture, spirituality, and more. Listen at: or follow along on Buzzsprout, Spotify, Apple podcast, and many other podcast sites. In the meantime, we also invite you to catch up on earlier episodes, if you have not already done so.

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