How We Build and Scale Cherished Communities with Fr. Greg Boyle (Part 2)

In part two of Ilia Delio’s conversation with Fr. Greg Boyle, she asks why Homeboy Industries has been so successful in building and scaling such impactful work, and how (or whether) it can be replicated elsewhere. Then, they discuss the pros and cons of contemporary scientific outlooks, how they can help and how they can hurt, and what’s needed to cultivate hope for future progress.


“The strategy of Jesus is not centered in taking the right stand on issues, but rather in standing in the right place—with the outcast and those relegated to the margins.”

Fr. Greg Boyle is an American Jesuit priest and the founder of Homeboy Industries in Los Angeles, the largest gang-intervention, rehabilitation, and re-entry program in the world. He has received the California Peace Prize and been inducted into the California Hall of Fame. In 2014, the White House named Boyle a Champion of Change. He received the University of Notre Dame’s 2017 Laetare Medal, the oldest honor given to American Catholics. He is the acclaimed author of Tattoos on the Heart and Barking to the Choir.

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“Science without religion is lame and religion without science is blind.”

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