How All this Complexity is Unified with Francis Heylighen (Part 1)

Episode Description

Ilia Delio talks with cyberneticist Francis Heylighen. In part one of their conversation, Ilia asks Francis about his interest in complexity theory, and the basics of complex systems as they appear in our society and world. How does complexity theory inform the big problems of our age? Ilia and Francis discuss whether this school of thought can help us develop unifying principles to help organize our complex planet.


“The ever-faster evolution of science, technology and culture appears to herald a new metasystem transition. This will lead to a system with as yet unpredictable capacities for adaptation, creativity, thought, consciousness and action. Probably the best metaphor for this is the ‘global brain,’ the thinking system that arises through the integration of all individuals on this planet via an intelligent computer network.”

Prof. Francis Heylighen is the research director of the Center Leo Apostel for transdisciplinary studies at the Free University of Brussels (VUB). He investigates the self-organization and evolution of complex systems from a cybernetic perspective, with applications to the emerging information society. His over 200 scientific publications have received thousands of citations.


“Science without religion is lame and religion without science is blind.”

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