November Interview: Harnessing Love In Changing And Challenging Times
An interview with ILIA DELIO
In this month’s interview Brie Stoner asks Ilia Delio for her thoughts on the transformative potential of love as we navigate through challenging times and the increasing complexity of a technology-based information culture. In the context of the divisive election results in the US, Ilia underscores the importance of rooting our responses in the depths of an inward, contemplative consciousness. She reminds us that only through the breaking down of the established order can something new arise, and that reaching out to others, staying connected, and remaining hopeful is essential as we face toward the future.
“I think this is something we can all practice: in a techno-saturated age every available moment we have to love another person, to say hello, to see their good, to attend to them… just to recognize them, is the beginning of a relational world.”
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