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Evolution of God's heart 99863

Returning Religion to Evolution

During my recent webinar on "Returning Religion to the Prophetic," a participant raised a question about prophetic action: Should we not stand with the marginalized and oppressed, calling out injustices in the name of true justice? While this concern is undoubtedly important, I believe that focusing solely on social justice might cause us to overlook the broader implications of evolution and its dynamic impetus. One might ask, "What does evolution have to do with social justice?" The answer is, in a sense, everything. Social justice is fundamentally about fostering right relationships, and evolution can be understood as the progressive emergence of increasingly complex relationships. To develop truly just relationships, we must comprehend evolution beyond its mere biological mechanisms.  That is, we...
horizon over water

Finding Our Way In An Evolutionary World

What do we long for?  That is where our soul lies.  What do we hope for?  That is what stretches the heart.  When I was asked to give the Madeleva…

Ligier Richier, Lamentation of Christ, Church of St. Étienne

The Transformative Power Of Suffering

The many faces of suffering — nightly we hear the counts: be they the ravaged faces of Syrian refugees, the millions of starving and impoverished children around the world, the…


Suffering And Love In Teilhard’s Spirituality

What if suffering, and the energy generated through suffering, could be focused and used to make a positive difference in the world? Louis Savary invites us to consider insights offered by Teilhard…

Hong Kong

Teaching Teilhardian Hope In Hong Kong

Over recent weeks we have posted a three-part blog series by Cynthia Bourgeault entitled “Teilhard for Troubled Times.” The following is a response and expansion upon some of the themes raised in that…

Consciousness & Christogenesis: Mind, Matter & Emerging Wholeness (Part 2)

Consciousness & Christogenesis: Mind, Matter & Emerging Wholeness (Part 2)

Download a copy of Ilia Delio’s PowerPoint presentation used at her event in Cedar Rapids, Iowa on May 6, 2017. Download PDF

Consciousness & Christogenesis: Mind, Matter & Emerging Wholeness (Part 1)

Consciousness & Christogenesis: Mind, Matter & Emerging Wholeness (Part 1)

Download a copy of Ilia Delio’s PowerPoint presentation used at her event in Cedar Rapids, Iowa on May 5, 2017. Download PDF


Click Here To Ask Your Questions

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] We hope you will join the conversation by submitting your reflections and questions below, via the “Leave a Reply” comment box on this page.  What would you like to ask Ilia? How…

Night Star

Teilhard For Troubled Times – Part 3

Over recent weeks we have been posting a three-part blog series by Cynthia Bourgeault on the topic of “Teilhard for Troubled Times.” Here is the third and final installment. To read earlier posts go…

Women's March down Independence Ave in Washington DC

Teilhard For Troubled Times – Part 2

Over the course of the following weeks we will be posting three related blogs by Cynthia Bourgeault on the topic of “Teilhard for Troubled Times.” Here is the second installment. Part 1 can be found…

Heart of Matter

Heart of Matter Fallback Image

Heart of Matter: “The Divine Entanglement”

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