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The Acceleration of Change: From Future Shock to Present Reality

In 1970, Alvin and Heidi Toffler introduced the concept of "future shock"—a psychological state affecting both individuals and societies, characterized by "too much change in too short a period of time." Writing before the advent of the internet and mobile phones, their prophetic work anticipated the disorientation that would come to define our modern era. Their prediction that "the illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read or write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn" has proven remarkably prescient. The Tofflers identified three fundamental shifts that would reshape society: the death of permanence, as institutions and relationships become increasingly temporary; the end of geography, as technology diminishes the importance of physical location; and the...

Theology Needs Radical Revisioning

In August 2018, the young Swedish activist Greta Thunberg boldly went on a school strike to oppose climate change and inspired thousands of youth around the world to do the…


The Rainbow of Pride

This month we celebrate the gift of life in its many colors, which holds great significance for the LGTBQ community. For years, women and men who were not heterosexual had…

flower in sidewalk

Ilia Delio Changed My Life and Can Change Yours

God works in mysterious ways, and as any reader of Teilhard and Ilia Delio knows, that includes the recommendation algorithms of It was on that website, in the “Books…


Love Out of Darkness

Question: How do we know if our thinking and doing is coming from the ground of love? I can feel this ground in silence but it is harder in the…


From the Ritiro Omega Discussion Group

Theistic Evolution: A New Religious Story by Sr. Paula Scraba, OSF and the Allegany Franciscan Sisters from the Ritiro Omega Group The discussion opened around the question, “How can the…


Crum Creek Visitation

I recently encountered a great blue heron while teaching my Swarthmore College class, Religion and Ecology.  I was conducting a three-hour class meeting in the Crum Woods, the scenic watershed…


The Resurrection and the beginning of a new earth

Faith in the Resurrection of Jesus Christ expresses the belief that “Love is strong as death” (Song 8:6). Resurrection is the greater strength of love in the face of death.…


Dead and Alive

He is not here! But we are… Tragedy and Beauty Sorrow and Mystery Innocent lives killed in the midst of God’s glory. What kind of God is this Who rises…


An Easter Reflection on Suffering, Death, and Resurrection 

There is no compassion without suffering, no transformation without death. No growth without decay, no development without loss, no complexity without danger. Imagine how it feels for a loving God…

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