Interview: Approaching The New Year

An interview with ILIA DELIO

In reflecting back to the month of December and looking ahead to the new year, Ilia Delio and Brie Stoner enter into conversation about some of the key issues arising for evolutionary thinkers at this particular time of transition.

Topics discussed include the relationship between past, present, future, and what the emerging times could bring. How might we face into these times of uncertainty, including what practices, choices, and ways of thinking and responding could be most useful. There is an invitation to pause and take a personal inventory (of the soul/mind/heart) of how we are living, and how we are practicing presence. Do we have sufficient self-discipline? How might we build a greater sense of Trust, and become more spacious and open to the new? Even being attentive and mindful to how we use language can contribute in positive ways to the evolutionary unfolding.

Some of what Ilia shares:

“We need to practice our priorities of life… we need to make choices… we need to practice trust, we need to practice surrender, we need to practice poverty of spirit, letting go…We need to belong to someone or some group or something and to know ourselves as belonging, and we need to train our minds… to find true relationality within, and then create a new world of relationality without. I think that’s the Teilhardian flow of the within and the without, consciousness and love…”



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