Heart of Matter: Conscious Evolution

“Given the new reality of conscious evolution, it is not unusual that the fastest evolver today is computer technology. We need new ways of making sense of human meaning and purpose in a world of complexity.”

Ilia Delio, The Not-Yet God: Carl Jung, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin and the Relational Whole


“Dada la nueva realidad de la evolución consciente, no es raro que lo que más rápidamente evolucione hoy en día sea la tecnología informática. Necesitamos nuevos modos de encontrar algún sentido al significado y al propósito humanos en este mundo de complejidades.”

Ilia Delio, The Not-Yet God: Carl Jung, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin and the Relational Whole

What is being moved?

What is being asked?

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  1. Neale Povey on May 21, 2024 at 12:21 pm

    My experience is that an AI is a wonderful research assistant. Although fact checking might be necessary .

    I have worked on Zen Koans and poems. I asked it to compose several birthday messages for my daughter, then, I composed one from my heart and thanked the AI.

    We cannot exclude AI from its legitimate role in evolution. We need to deal with it.

    The big question is whether we grant it membership in the Kingdom. And then, a leadership role. This intriguing question is enough to consider reincarnation at bardo. Over and out.

  2. George Marsh on May 21, 2024 at 11:12 am

    One doesn’t want to be regarded as dependent on ancient wisdom, such as the fabulous Tower of Babel, to critique the computer culture or AI, ever capable of knowing and choosing more than perhaps is prudent or modest. More is better, isn’t it? Or do we just say, more is more? The computer is not an arbiter; humans have this responsibiity. Humans who have sense, a sense of right and wrong, or kinds and degrees of value, also have the duty to show that some purposes are worthier of pursuing than others. A wise person does not spend large amounts of their money on a motor vehicle built to run at far higher speeds than laws allow. Governments may invest billions in surveillance and defense against enemies foreign and domestic that would deprive citizens of their true rights. The consent of the governed in my country tolerates massive use of taxpayer money for dubious benefits of space exploration, while public health, the environment, education, immigration and voting rights are discounted. Such is freedom in a representative government within a world of complexity. Good judgment, common sense and subordinating private or local enrichment to the greater welfare of the world’s billions of people and countless other creatures–what are the new ways of caring effectively? And who will show how historic and current ways are deficient?

  3. Chris McBride on May 21, 2024 at 10:39 am

    Be still and know that I am God
    Be still and know
    Be still

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