Expanding Our View Of Incarnation
An audio interview with Diarmuid O’Murchu
In this Omega Center interview Brie Stoner engages in conversation with prominent evolutionary thinker and writer Diarmuid O’Murchu, discussing topics from his most recent book Incarnation: An Evolutionary Threshold. Fundamental to this book are the questions “What does Incarnation mean for each of us?” and “What are the practical applications and implications that arise from this question?” Diarmuid suggests we need an expanded view of “the body” and embodiment, and an evolutionary approach to gender, relationships, sexuality, desire, personal boundaries, paradox, and suffering.
“The way forward is the call to justice, the call to bring about a world in which there is greater participation and mutuality and empowerment —and that will involve a certain amount of suffering —but that’s suffering for the sake of a greater good….and that’s the suffering that makes more evolutionary sense, and in the long term makes more spiritual and theological sense. And I think that’s the kind of suffering Jesus wanted us to take on.”
We hope you enjoy this very engaging and thought-provoking conversation.
DOWNLOAD AUDIO MP3 HERE (Chrome, Safari, IE, and other browsers right-click & save to download)
Read the Omega Center blog by Diarmuid O’Murchu here: INCARNATION AS EMBODIMENT OF SPIRIT
Incarnation: An Evolutionary Threshold – by Diarmuid O’Murchu
Just Love: A Framework for Christian Sexual Ethics– by Margaret Farley
Blessed Unrest: How the Largest Social Movement in History Is Restoring Grace, Justice, and Beauty to the World – by Paul Hawken
The Grand Option: Personal Transformation and a New Creation (Gethsemani Studies in Psychological and Religious Anthropology) – by Beatrice Bruteau

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