
Healing God, Healing Self, Healing Earth

We are a global people on a planet in crisis. Extreme weather, shortages of water and food, and a swiftly mutating pandemic reveal a climate emergency that is speeding up rather than slowing down. We find ourselves in a wounded world, desperate for healing. These deep wounds begin with ourselves. Healing the Earth requires that…


Whitehead & Teilhard: Convergence, Divergences, Integrations

Villanova Inn @ Villanova University 601 County Line Rd, Wayne, PA, United States

The respective work of Alfred North Whitehead (1861-1947) and Pierre Teilhard De Chardin (1881-1955) continue to inspire distinctive trajectories in modern process philosophy and theology. Although contemporaries for a time, both men were unable to benefit from each other’s vast visions of reality. Yet a shared indebtedness to Bergson’s temporal metaphysics and a commitment to incorporate new advances of…

God 2.0: Pantheism and Quantum Reality


This event is past. Click here to purchase recordings of this series. Can God be updated? Classic theism would say, absolutely not! But God is an incomprehensible mystery and our approach to the mystery is shaped by ways of knowing the real, a type of knowledge that cannot be fixed or located in any one age.…
