The Unemployed Trinity and a Fragile Earth: Refocusing the Christian God
The Christian understanding of God is upside down. For some odd reason, we emphasize a God of power and might when the God of Jesus Christ was hidden and humble.…

When Did Jesus Become God?
In an article on “The Emergence of Devotion to Jesus in the Early Church,” Australian theologian Anne Hunt writes: “Our familiarity as Christians with Christian faith’s conviction that Jesus is divine…”

A New World is Dawning in our Midst
Dear Friends, I just finished teaching two classes of fifty students, between eighteen and twenty-one years old, on many of the ideas we discuss at the Center for Christogenesis. The…

Science Without Religion is Like an Ocean Without Water
Teilhard de Chardin was a scientist who thought of science as a process; he found joy in exploring the unknown mysteries of matter. In a small essay on the “The Spiritual Power of Matter,” he tells the story of two travelers in the desert, one seeks spiritual truth by leaving the world, the other is lured by matter as the realm of the Absolute. To survive, he must wrestle with Matter and see what it reveals.

Rebirthing Religion
In his most recent book, What to believe? Twelve Brief Lessons in Radical Theology, Villanova philosopher, John Caputo, lays out one of the most accessible (and witty) descriptions of radical…