Visio Divina


The Threshold

Where do you find yourself? On the path, safe within the guard rails? In the wild grasses, wandering? By the door? At the threshold? On the other side? At the…


Parts of the Whole

“Parts of the Whole” was created after attending a symposium with Ilia Delio: “The holysun Rising over the whole earth, Chistifying the world Into a new day. The news is…


The Magnificent Cosmos

In the background of this painting is the Hubble deep field that became visible for the first time in a most remarkable photograph taken from outer space by the Hubble…


Repair my house which has fallen into ruins

I was enjoying a perfectly lovely quiet time of Holy Week retreat at St. Jane House in Minneapolis when i learned the news of the fire at Notre Dame. Even…



This painting is about ultimate connection – or discernible pattern; maybe the same thing, and both sacred. It uses the golden spiral and the flower of life (sacred geometry) to…