

Interview: Approaching The New Year

An interview with ILIA DELIO In reflecting back to the month of December and looking ahead to the new year, Ilia Delio and Brie Stoner enter into conversation about some…


God Is Born Again And Again

We live in very strange times. Since the recent US presidential election and the wobbly markets impacting our economy, stress, anxiety, and uncertainty seem to mark the general milieu.   There…


Love And The Dark Energy Of Expansion

Love unites. Strife divides. Unifying love and divisive strife are the two forces that set the cosmos in motion, at least according to the ancient philosopher from Sicily, Empedocles (490-430…


Advent: Love Coming To Fullness

Advent—from the Latin for “a coming, an approach, or an arrival”—is upon us. This season is more than a sentimental, reminiscent waiting for a new Baby Jesus. The need for…


Love In An Unfinished Universe: An Advent Reflection

The ancient Jewish mystical worldview is expressed in the Kabala, a system of secret teachings.  Here, the Genesis passage affirming that humans are made in God’s image is taken most…


Waiting In An Unfinished Universe

The shock waves of our recent presidential election are still being felt around the country and around the world, as if the US just suffered a major heart attack.  The…


November Interview: Harnessing Love In Changing And Challenging Times

An interview with ILIA DELIO In this month’s interview Brie Stoner asks Ilia Delio for her thoughts on the transformative potential of love as we navigate through challenging times and the…


Would You Take A “Jesus Pill”?

Expanding on our theme of love in an information culture and the role of technology to enhance our relations, Ron Cole-Turner considers the provocative transhumanist suggestion that artificial enhancement provides…


On Killing Mice And Loving Robots: Are We Committing A Great Injustice?

[et_pb_section bb_built=”1″ _builder_version=”3.19.15″ custom_padding=”0px||0px|”][et_pb_row _builder_version=”3.19.15″ custom_padding=”0px||0px|”][et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text _builder_version=”3.19.15″ custom_padding=”0px||0px|”] by PETER ARMSTONG This past weekend, I killed three mice in one hour. The first time I came across one — a…