Heart of Matter: We Are Here
Tuesday, March 7 “The question of evolution is not simply one of existence, of why are we here; rather, it is the startling fact that, after 13.8 billion years, we are here—and…
Heart of Matter: Relativity Theory
Tuesday, February 21, 2023 “Relativity theory states that matter and energy are really different forms of the same thing—but what is the thing they are forms of?” Ilia Delio, Making…
Heart of Matter: The Mind of Christ
Tuesday, February 14, 2023 “A higher consciousness of love, putting on the mind of Christ, is not a trapeze act for saints; it is how we deal with human misunderstandings, conflicts,…
Heart of Matter: The Universe is in Motion
Tuesday, February 7, 2023 “The universe from the beginning has been in constant motion, a constant, “workaholic” bundle of energy in which vast fields of energy connecting across cosmic spaces…
Heart of Matter: The New Universe Story is Complex
Tuesday, January 31, 2023 “What is entirely amazing about this story is that we are here to tell it. Although the new universe story is complex, there are certain features…
Heart of Matter: A Sense of the Whole
Tuesday, January 24, 2023 “My understanding of catholicity, therefore, is a “sense of the whole” or “according to the whole.” The whole, however, is not a given; rather, it flows…
Heart of Matter: Religion is a Deep-Rooted Energy
Tuesday, January 17, 2023 “Despite the modern privatization of religion or the outright dismissal of it, religion won’t go away—ever—because religion is about the deep-rooted energies of the spirit yearning for…