Ilia Delio

scuba diving

Towards Omega: Jet Skiing Or Scuba Diving?

One of the most significant social media platforms in our age is Facebook.  One can easily spend a few hours, surfing through the various posts, YouTube videos, and various interest…

Women's March 2018

Mindfulness And Deep Relationality

In this blog Ilia Delio shares some thoughts on this critical point in history and evolution, and the major paradigm shift we are now in the midst of.  She refers…

Omega Center Teaching Series – Part 2

Omega Center Teaching Series – Part 2

In this video Sr Ilia Delio offers her thoughts on the evolving story of Religion [7:37 min]

Omega Center Teaching Series – Part 1

Omega Center Teaching Series – Part 1

In this video Sr Ilia Delio welcomes you to the Omega Center website and our mission to explore Love at the Heart of the Universe. [6:30 min]

A Hunger for Wholeness – 2017

A Hunger for Wholeness – 2017

“The path forward is the path inward, and that path belongs to all religious traditions. If we can meet one another on that path of the inner spirit, the path…

walk in fog

God Loves To Do New Things

In this blog Ilia Delio shares some of her current reading, and offers her reflections on the ever-changing nature of God.  Ilia suggests that “…if we can get religion out of…

Gazing at the moon

Incarnating The Universe: Matter Matters To God

In this blog Ilia Delio expands on Diarmuid O’Murchu’s recent Omega Center contributions on incarnation, and offers her thoughts on the “hidden depth to matter.” (See also Diarmuid O’Murchu’s blog on INCARNATION AS…


A Reply To Richard Rohr On The Cosmic Christ

In this blog Ilia Delio considers recent reflections offered by Richard Rohr on the Cosmic Christ, and provides some additional thoughts. See THE COSMIC CHRIST by Richard Rohr, and REDISCOVERING THE UNIVERSAL…

The Universe Within – Part 2

The Universe Within – Part 2

Courtesy of Contemplative Outreach of Maryland and Washington, September 2017 In this video presentation, hosted at National Presbyterian Church in Washington DC, Ilia Delio shares her thoughts about “The Universe Within”. Finding…