Ilia Delio


The Resurrection and the beginning of a new earth

Faith in the Resurrection of Jesus Christ expresses the belief that “Love is strong as death” (Song 8:6). Resurrection is the greater strength of love in the face of death.…


Dead and Alive

He is not here! But we are… Tragedy and Beauty Sorrow and Mystery Innocent lives killed in the midst of God’s glory. What kind of God is this Who rises…



Each day we awake to a new world of struggle.The abuse crisis of the Catholic Church continues unabated, children and refugees are held captive in the U.S. borderland camps, racial…

Second Annual Omega Center Conference

Second Annual Omega Center Conference

Love at the Heart of the Cosmos: Living in Relational Wholeness   Commonwealth Chateau at SugarLoaf Chestnut Hill College, Philadelphia, PA December 6th – 8th, 2019 Check-in begins Friday, December…


Catholic to the Core

Q:  Is the Omega Center “Catholic.” Is it in line with the institutional Catholic Church. Ilia: Recently, a question was submitted as to whether or not the Omega Center is…


Relational Holism

Q: “As a member of a Contemplative meditation and education group in our city which includes nuns, parish members and non active members in the rituals of the Church we…


Being as Love

Q: “St. Thomas Aquinas focuses on God as the ground of Being. Is there any similarity with Teilhard’s message with Being at the heart of life? Also I love the…


Are Non-Dual Teachings Deemed Heretical by the Church?

Q: “Do non-dual Christian leaders such as yourself, Richard Rohr and Cynthia Bourgeault have to worry that your non-dual teachings will be deemed heretical by the Church? I have always…


Can Prayer Increase Positive Energy in the Universe?

Q: “My discussion group (‘God for Grownups’ in Michigan) has discussed your videos and work — would like to know more about implications for prayer. Not that we believe God is…