Religious life in a post-human age
I recently returned from a retreat at San Alfonso Retreat House in Long Branch, New Jersey, where 110 sisters gathered each day for liturgy, prayer and presentation. The sisters were…
Contemplation and Vision
Q: What is the relationship between contemplation and action, especially public acts of resistance? Ilia: This is an interesting question and one that I have reflected on over the years.…
Artificial Intelligence and Human Desire: Can a Robot Truly Love?
Ilia Delio, Joseph C. Connelly Endowed Chair in Theology at Villanova University, speaks on the topic of: “Artificial Intelligence and Human Desire: Can a Robot Truly Love?” This lecture was…
Race and Axial Consciousness
Q: How do you address racism in your work? Ilia: Our question this week asks about racism within the evolutionary paradigm. This is an extremely important question that, I must…
The Future of Tradition
Q: How do we hold the value of Religion’s past yet create communities of deeper Spirituality. Ilia: Our question for this week is a good one. Many people fear the…
The Omega Challenge: On Sex, Gender and Personhood
The Omega Challenge: In a recent post, Ilia answers questions about Sex, Gender and Personhood. On your own or as a group we invite you to reflect on the following…
On Sex, Gender and Personhood
Q: A student from St. Dominic’s Priory in Adelaide Australia wrote in last week with the following questions on LGBTQ personhood in light of Catholic teaching. Although I am by…