Announcing New Executive Director, Robert Nicastro

Dear Friends,

On behalf of the Center for Christogenesis, I want to extend a warm welcome to our new Executive Director, Robert Nicastro. Robert has been on the Center’s team for the last few years, as manager of the Hunger for Wholeness Podcast, as well as Course facilitator. He has offered several excellent online workshops on behalf of the Center, sharing his rich background in theology and Teilhardian studies. Robert is currently a Ph. D. candidate in Systematic-Constructive Theology and Biblical Studies at Villanova University. He earned a Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy from Gannon University in Erie, Pennsylvania, and a Master of Arts in Theology from Saint Mary’s Seminary and University in Baltimore, Maryland. Robert’s research interests lie at the intersection of theology and artificial intelligence, neuroscience, and quantum physics. He is currently writing his dissertation on Scripture and Teilhard’s hyperphysics. 

Robert will assume his new position on April 1, 2024, at which time I will step down as Executive Director but remain as Founder of the Center; I will also continue to serve on the Board of Directors. I assumed the position of Executive Director as an interim position until a new Director could be appointed. I am now able to turn over this responsibility to Robert, which will allow me more time to develop ideas and to advance the Center through writing and teaching. As Founder, I will work closely with Robert, as we shape the next stages of the Center’s development.  

The Center for Christogenesis has a vision for the hope that lies within us. One must be able to see the whole, Teilhard proclaimed; for the one who sees is already on the way to a new future. As we continue to see, through research, reflection, writing and speaking, we share the vision unfolding in our midst. The Center for Christogenesis is committed to the future and to the emergence of a new religion of the earth. 

Following Teilhard de Chardin, we believe Christianity is a religion of evolution. We also feel that younger generations must be educated into a new religious paradigm, so that they may be empowered to build the earth into a community of justice and shared life. Education and spiritual formation are at the heart of the Center’s mission and integral to the process of Christogenesis.  

I am confident that Robert will skillfully guide the Center toward growth and expansion in the coming years.  I look forward to working with him and with our wonderful team—Kate, Dustin, Lisa and Emily—who keep the Center viable in its day-to-day operations. 

I invite you to share a warm welcome to Robert, as he takes up the mantle of leadership. Your support provides the courage to forge a new path of faith charged with futurity. It is a path through the fields of the unknown, which are always dark and uncertain, but constantly guided by a mysterious presence of love that pushes us onward toward the light, onward to new beginnings and new life. 

Blessings and peace,

Ilia's Signature

Sr. Ilia Delio, OSF

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  1. Mary Pendergast, RSM on March 29, 2024 at 7:38 am

    Congratulations Robert! It is quite an undertaking while finishing your dissertation. Good energy and best wishes as we all forge a new religious paradigm.

  2. Maria Amélia Carreira on March 28, 2024 at 10:56 pm

    CONGRATULATIONS Robert for your new adventure!
    I love the title of your dissertation: SCRIPTURE AND TEILHARD?S HYPERPHYSICS. Ilia deserves CONGRATULATIONS, too. She is making things new! The Centre for Christogenesis has been growing in wisdom with no chance for Amelia to get boring in her old age. My dear ILIA, thanks. You are a pearl, a treasure I found.

  3. Maureen Ruddy on March 28, 2024 at 5:32 am

    A huge congratulations, Robert. I am an avid listener of Hunger for Wholeness and am delighted that you have taken up the mantle. Every best wish as you go forward with this life changing work needed so much in our time. Living in Scotland, it is only possible to be with you through your inspiring and thought provoking podcast. Blessings.

  4. Cyndi Robie on March 28, 2024 at 4:48 am

    Congratulations Robert! We are so happy for you and proud of you for how far you’ve come. You will do an amazing job! Best of luck to you!

  5. John Eybel, MM, Mwanza, Tanzania on March 28, 2024 at 1:27 am

    Welcome Robert! May the Force Be With You!

  6. Lisa Pires on March 28, 2024 at 1:01 am

    Congrats Robert on your new role as Executive Director of the Centre for Christogenesis. We assure you of our support at this time, and we look forward to your rich contribution to the Centre and to our own ongoing Teilhardian journeys .

  7. Jane on March 27, 2024 at 11:17 pm

    Congratulations, Robert.

    I have had the pleasure of listening g to your many Podcasts, along with Ilia and many distinguished guests.
    I am so very grateful for your organization, which gives so much hope and inspiration to so many.

    Faith is a journey indeed; this has been amply demonstrated.
    Looking forward to this leadership, and want to also thank Ilia for all of her efforts to move us forward!

  8. Mary Lou Robie on March 27, 2024 at 10:00 pm

    Congratulations Robert! Well done- i always knew you would arrive to special place in life- so well deserved. Years of studying and hard work. May God bless you in your new endeavor! I’m so proud of you. Love, Uncle Jer

  9. JoAnn Huber on March 27, 2024 at 9:31 pm

    Congratulations Robert and Yay for Ilia in freeing up to study and teach!

  10. Mike on March 27, 2024 at 7:35 pm

    Congratulations Robert. This is such important work you are now guiding. Continue growing the vision of ChristoGenesis. Ilia will be missed , but the work goes on, and the story must be told.

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