Heart of Matter: “One Seamless World”

“When the outer world and the inner world form one seamless world, the unus mundus, then we are fully alive in the All. As Teilhard wrote: “If I am to be All. I must be fused with All.”  

Teilhard de Chardin, The Heart of Matter 


“Cuando el mundo exterior y el interior formen un solo mundo sin fisuras, es decir, un unus mundus, entonces viviremos plenamente en el Todo. Como escribió Teilhard: “Para ser Todo, debo fundirme con todo.”

Teilhard de Chardin, El corazón de la materia

What is being asked?

What is being moved?

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  1. Dennis MacDonald on August 11, 2024 at 9:20 am

    To do so is not only a matter of choice. It is a choice of process. It is a becoming.

  2. Sophia on August 10, 2024 at 6:05 am

    When the graciousness of the gift is met with gracious receptivity, we are moving towards wholeness on a passionate trajectory . Awareness, awareness, awareness as Carl Jung would say.

  3. George Marsh on August 8, 2024 at 9:29 am

    The wisdom that all is one is irrefutable, if we grant its premises. On the other hand, one can see conflict nearly everywhere, and no examples need be cited. The need is urgent to cooperate kindly, make peace where we can and incarcerate when absolutely necessary. Jesus did not say that all are one; he prayed that all may be one. Evolution is continuous, and most of humanity is still trying to avoid backsliding, though a serious part of our race likes the idea of regression.

  4. Armando Lugo on August 8, 2024 at 6:39 am

    To live as one with the exterior and the interior I believe is being asked. My soul is what is being moved to oneness with God.

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