Heart of Matter: The Key to Wholeness

“The key to wholeness lies in consciousness. As we come into contact with one another, consciousness shifts and relationships change. And the relationships change us, so that we are further shaped as individuals rather than being dissolved in a featureless collectivity.” 

Ilia Delio, The Not-Yet God: Carl Jung, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin and the Relational Whole


“La clave de la totalidad reside en la consciencia. A medida que entramos en contacto unos con otros, la consciencia cambia y cambian nuestras relaciones. Y las relaciones nos cambian a nosotros, de modo que nos formamos aún más como individuos, en lugar de quedar disueltos en una colectividad sin rasgos distintivos.” 

Ilia Delio, The Not-Yet God: Carl Jung, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin and the Relational Whole

What is being moved?

What is being asked?

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