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What is God Today? Series Introduction

Why do we need a new God?
Because we are restless and we are longing
and we need to rediscover God in our own age… Are you ready?

– Ilia Delio

“What is God Today?” is an Omega Center video series featuring interviews with Ilia Delio on the meaning of the divine in the 21st century and what God is doing in our midst. “Why do we need a new God? Because we are restless and we are longing and we need to rediscover God in our own age… Are you ready?” Ilia

Ilia explores major themes of her work and shares a vision of God, cosmos, and humanity that can help heal our troubled world and reveal religion as the most exciting energy of our time.


by Jennifer Wallace


WHY TALK ABOUT GOD TODAY? — Well, because there’s something about us that is drawn to an infinity. There is something about us that longs for absoluteness and we’re constantly, as Karl Rahner would say, in this winter of faith because the deepest horizons of our desires cannot be fulfilled

Why do we need to know God today? Because we are restless and we are longing
and we need to rediscover God in our own age

We speak about being created in the image of God but the ancients knew that there’s something of the divine spark within us and so that spark of divinity that we name as image or the highest point of the soul is what draws us.

The power of this divine love within is the power of the future that keeps drawing us onward to create, to invent, to discover because we are constantly seeking that absolute ground of being that is God.

There are a number of people today who have given up on God; who say God is too old and too irrelevant. And I want to invite you to the Omega adventure. This is a new God…the same God showing up in new ways and I think it’s time for rediscovery of the deepest core of our life.

A new God for a new age. Are you ready?

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