- Center for Christogenesis - https://christogenesis.org -

Volunteer with Omega Center

Dear Omega Friends,

Change is in the air, both with the season of autumn and here at Omega Center. We just held our first ever livestreaming webinar, our annual conference in December is coming up quickly in December, and we are hard at work on some end-of-year surprises and big projects for the new year.

Which is why we could use some help!  We are launching our first call for volunteers who believe in Omega’s vision and want to help us share it far and wide.

If you want to join our team as a passionate person ready to jump in, move fast, and make things happen, please send us  a cover letter indicating your fit with the volunteer opportunities listed below as well as your current resume. We will be in touch later to set up Zoom interviews with a selected group of potential volunteers.

Please email us at info@christogenesis.org with your information.

We are excited to meet you and work together to spread the Omega Center’s mission around the globe.

Grace and blessings,

The Omega Center Team

Volunteer Opportunities:


On-Site Events

Social Media

Graphic Design

Metrics and Analytics

Video Creation and Editing

Online Marketing

Online Publishing

Powerpoint Creation

WordPress Website Management

Zoom Video Conferencing

Small Group Facilitation

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