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The Heart of Matter: Waking up

Tuesday, April 5th

“Conversion is awakening to the interior desire for God and the need for God. One becomes liberated from the selfish ego, the desire to possess and control, by letting go and trusting the power of divine life at the heart of life. In this respect, conversion is a means of becoming more authentically human, as one awakens to the presence of God. As the mystics tell us, awakening to God within the self is awakening to God within the world. As we wake up to the divine light, our level of awareness changes, we start attracting a new reality. Our eyes are open to the truth of God shining through the people we meet and the events of our lives.”
—Ilia Delio, “Return to God and God will Return to You”

“Conversión es despertar al deseo íntimo de Dios, a la necesidad de Dios. Nos liberamos así del egoísmo, del deseo de poseer y controlar, abandonándonos y confiando en el poder que la vida divina tiene en el mismo corazón de la vida. En este sentido, es un medio para llegar a ser más auténticamente humanos despertándonos a la presencia de Dios. Como nos dicen los místicos, despertarse a Dios dentro de nosotros mismos es también despertarse a Dios en el mundo. A medida que nos despertamos a la luz de Dios, nuestro nivel de consciencia cambia y comenzamos a atraer una nueva realidad. Nuestros ojos están abiertos a la verdad de Dios que brilla en las personas que conocemos y en los acontecimientos de nuestras vidas.”
Ilia Delio, “Return to God and God will Return to You”


Incarnational Practice: Waking Up

As we wake up every day opening our eyes to the light of a new day, what do we see? Let’s take a moment this week to really notice what we see as we first wake up and carry this intentional seeing through the events of the day. What is hidden and revealed after the first light, after the first sight?


What is being revealed? What is being moved? What is being asked?

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