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Looking Forward to Journeying With You

Dear Friends,

The fourteenth-century mystic Meister Eckhart put it best: “If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is thank you, it will be enough.” He knew well that gratitude comes from the awareness of the generative love of God in our lives. For the gift of your thoughtful words of confidence, support, and encouragement—this manifestation of divine love in you—there is perhaps no other statement to make except “thanks and thanks and ever thanks!” 

Like Eckhart, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin was also a mystic who identified the current of divine love running and developing through the evolution of all life. His all-embracing vision of God, person, and world dramatically shaped his approach to all elements of existence, including the role of religion. He understood that the impact of evolution demands a profound metamorphosis in religious sensibilities and likewise a new religious synthesis. The result is a “religious breakthrough,” in which religion is not first and foremost about a set of beliefs, but about how we see and how we love. 

At the Center for Christogenesis, we are committed to communicating and advancing this religious breakthrough. It is a fundamental vision of relational wholeness that seeks to renew our religious imagination by affirming and honoring that there is a sacred diaphony at the heart of the cosmos, that is, everyone and everything is infused with the presence of divine love, an energetic power that shapes and guides our lives, especially if we actively seek it out. This consciousness of Presence as both within us and more than us was precisely how our biblical ancestors experienced and articulated their sense of the sacred. 

While it is terribly easy to get discouraged by the confusion and chaos that surrounds us, staying connected to our deepest longing, our sacred depth dimension, is our greatest message of hope for navigating an ever-changing reality. Indeed, it reminds us that we too are sacred vessels of divine love and what we do has the powerful potential to transform the world anew through the actualization of godly life. 

As we together seek to illuminate the infinite significance of our world, let us continue to “give thanks” to God, the Source of Life, the Cosmic Flow, that forever shows us the way to a new tomorrow. May we be willing to channel that power for the good and always trust the Process that we will get there. 

I look forward to journeying with each of you in this new capacity! Stay tuned for information relating to upcoming educational workshops and webinars and more.

All best,


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