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Christophany Groups Create a World of Deep Relationality

Dear Friends,

My name is Emily DeMoor and I am the Director of Christophany Groups at C4C.  I also belong to the Omega Café Christophany Group and speak from this rich experience here.

Christophany groups are about who we are together, as we share in the joys, sorrows and questions of the world.  In Hours of the Universe (2021) Sr. Ilia writes, “We are creating a world of deep relationality because we are being rewired for belonging to the cosmic whole, suggested by the term global consciousness” (p. 122).  The Christophany groups live into this idea as we seek to create a new language of self that captures the reality of our entangled lives and hearts; a language to describe how we move more fully into the whole that includes all of creation and our human creations; a language that acknowledges that the “you” and “me” of the whole contains all that came before us in the universe.

Our groups are places of sacred listening and holy response; places of relationship, sharing, compassion, laughter, play, prayer, and the transformative alchemy of love.  Bernice Marie-Daly reflects, “I am grateful to be a member of Omega Café where we wonder out-loud together, share with open hearts & feel genuine affection for one another.  A blessing in my life!” Together we choose to be more conscious as we create our lives, knowing that becoming is an art.

The AI generated image depicts our lives entangled in divine love.  In creating this piece, I became part of a larger “we” that includes other humans and the technology they have crafted.  As Sr. Ilia tells us, AI needs to be guided by wisdom and a moral compass. Thank you for your support as together we shape our technologically enhanced world towards love.


Emily DeMoor
Director, Christophany Groups

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