Tuesday, May 31th
“The epic of evolution may be the greatest story ever told because it speaks of the world’s struggle toward an expansive freedom in the presence of self-giving grace. What Darwin showed is that change in the biological world is not due to outside forces or purposeful function of an organism but to aspects within nature itself…”
—Ilia Delio, “The Emergent Christ”
“Podemos afirmar que la epopeya de la evolución es la historia más grande jamás contada, porque habla de la lucha por una libertad expansiva en presencia de la generosidad de la gracia. Lo que nos enseñó Darwin es que el cambio en el terreno biológico no se debe a fuerzas exteriores ni a la función intencionada de un organismo, sino a cuestiones que residen en la naturaleza misma.”
—Ilia Delio, “The Emergent Christ”
Incarnational Practice: Evolving
As biological beings how do we see ourselves and the living world around us as part of the “greatest story ever told”? Put into words – or drawings – an expression of that reality.
What is being revealed? What is being moved? What is being asked?
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